The importance of smile

Our patient, who was extremely self consciousness not only about his appearance with his clothing, but also about his teeth, wanted to improve his smile with even more esthetic upper front teeth.

As he was having previous dental rehabilitation with porcelain shells, we just had to remove them, thus there was not necessary to file even more material off his teeth, during the preparation. We choose the best, the optimal solution. With porcelain shells we can nevertheless improve only minor esthetic irregularities, with optimal bites. We can not recommend this solution for heavily filled and discoloured teeth neither for those with edge to edge bites.

He had special treatment for the gums. During the technical preparation of the final shells the patient got temporary shells, which is a practical solution as they easily last for a couple of weeks without the danger of loosing them and there is no real esthetic confidence ruining appearance during this period.

In five days the new porcelain shells were prepared by the dental laboratory and they were fixed with a special way. Not even the trained eye can tell sometimes the difference between a patients own and porcelain shells. The transition between the original to shells is unnoticeable.

Before sinus lifting

Branemark implants

After sinus lifting and implantation

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