Zirconium crowns
Today prosthetic technology is improving in an prodigious way. In our clinic, you will find solution for any kind of problem when it becomes necessary to restore or/and replace a tooth. Before starting any prosthetic treatment, a throughout examination must be done by the dentist as well as a cleaning to remove plaque and tarte from your teeth.
Zirconium crowns are the most aesthetic crowns avaible. There is no metal is used in their manufacturing, moreover, with the CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing) system, they can be prepared in an extremely precise way.
Zirconium is rapidly becoming the material of choice for dental crowns. It is a very strong material able to withstand the wear and tear of every day use. Aesthetically, it is translucent very similar to a natural tooth, reflecting light in much the same way. Zirconium requires special laboratory technology in order to obtain the desirable strength and resilience. At the end of the process it becomes 10 times more resilient than traditional porcelain.
Advantages of zirconia crowns
- zirconia crowns last longer than other types of crowns.
- these crowns have an attractive translucent colour which blends in well with the other teeth
- minimal preparation is required which means more of the original tooth is preserved. This is useful if the crown needs to be removed.An appropriate cleaning and regular controls increase their lasting.
The procedure for zirconium crowns
The process involves two stages: preparation and the fitting of the crown.
The first stage is where your teeth are assessed and measured for a crown. The dentist will discuss the procedure with you before preparing your affected tooth. This preparation involves the cleaning of the tooth before reshaping (which reduces its size) with a small drill.
A small sliver of tooth is removed under a local anaesthetic which ensures that the tooth is the correct shape for the crown.
A mould is made with dental putty which you will be asked to bite into. This is used as a guide for the production of your new crown at a dental laboratory.
The second stage is where you will be fitted with your new crown. The tooth which will receive this crown is roughened with a special dental acid which scratches the surface and increases the bond between crown and tooth.
The crown is then fitted onto your tooth. The dentist will check its appearance and fit before cementing it into position.
It is then given a final polish.
A zirconia crown must be cared for in the same way as your natural teeth.